

 Install DMS in the environment of APACHE2+PHP4+Mysql4 
[root@devtest1 src]# rpm -q httpd
[root@devtest1 src]# rpm -q php
[root@devtest1 src]# rpm -q php-mysql
[root@devtest1 src]# mysqladmin --version
mysqladmin  Ver 8.41 Distrib 4.1.20, for redhat-linux-gnu on i686
KnowledgeTree (Document Management System) Install
   First, you must make sure PHP need Mysql support. You may need run this commond "yum install php-mysql"
   or you can get a rpm packet such as php-mysql-4.3.9-3.i386.rpm and run "rpm -ivh php-mysql-4.3.9-3.i386.rpm" to make mysql support PHP
    KnowledgeTree is a professional document management system, and it can manage documents easily.  The following is installation procedures:
Downlad KnowledgeTree from http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/kt-dms, and extract it to a destination, and copy it to /var/www/html/dms.
Change /var/www/html/dms/var to Apache's running user
       #chown �CR apache.apache /var/www/html/dms/var
Set database and other settting, such as database, config and so on.
       #vi /var/www/html/dms/config/config.ini
Import database schema
          #cd /var/www/html/dms   
          # mysql -p dms < sql/mysql/install/structure.sql
          # mysql -p dms < sql/mysql/install/data.sql
          # mysql -p dms < sql/mysql/install/user.sql
Install some index tools for special document index.
      # wget http://www.45.free.net/~vitus/software/catdoc
      #tar -zxf catdoc-0.94.2.tar.gz
      #cd catdoc-0.94.2
      #make install 
      After compiling, copy all commands from /usr/local/bin to /usr/bin
      #wget ftp://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/contrib/pstotext-1.9.tar.gz
      #tar xzf pstotext-1.9.tar.gz
      #cd pstotext-1.9
      After compiling, copy all commands from /usr/local/bin[or current path]to /usr/bin
Check environment by http://localhost/dms/setup, if errors appear, please modify /etc/php.ini file.
      if you modify the php.ini file, you need restart apache service such as #/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart
Default user is admin/admin
Visit DMS home page, the default account name is admin and password is admin.
Welcome to contact me by email zhuheng1229@gmail.com

